I was baptized in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit in 1995. It wasn’t until 2017 that I started responding to the stirring of the spirit in me and began a process of reconciliation with our Father.
I was a truck driver for 13 years until the greatest blessing was bestowed upon me. This is when I met my beautiful wife, and our daughter was born the following year in 2012. Suddenly, I couldn’t stand to be away from home.
I began working on the docks at a local automotive plant in TN, and slowly worked my way up through the company. I am now a database engineer in IT.
Inspired by my pastor, I met this family that would change my life, again. A Kurdish Christian family from Iran, who had been exiled to Turkey as refugees, who desired nothing more than the same freedoms that we all take for granted in America.
From there, colleagues of mine and I began developing ideas for The Ichthys Foundation. The idea has turned into a non-profit organization, and we are on the edge of helping so many of our brothers and sisters out there. In fact, we are commanded to help each other.
All praise and thanks go to the Father. We are only mere instruments. Let’s see where it goes!

President: Adam Butler
I was born again and baptized in New York City in the Spring of 1984 in a little church in the borough of the Bronx. As I grew in the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God began to call me to His mission field.
By the age of 21, God had opened the doors for me to live and begin a family in Puerto Rico, visit the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, preaching on the street in Evangelical Crusades, in Penitentiaries, and many other places sharing The Good News of the Gospel with others.
While in Puerto Rico, I had the privilege of translating for an Iranian pastor's wife who was invited to preach at my church. It was there that God opened my eyes to the persecution that other brethren like me were living day by day in other countries. I began to realize how blessed we truly are in the United States to have the freedom of worshiping Him freely and openly.
Fast forward to today, I met Adam at our workplace in Tennessee. There, he introduced me via online to a Kurdish Christian family from Iran living as refugees in Turkey. The seed sown in my heart many years before while in Puerto Rico began to grow into what today is The Ichthys Foundation, a non-profit 501 c3 organization dedicated to helping persecuted Christians around the globe.
It is only with your help, through God's unifying Grace, that we can help others who are not as fortunate as us but who are willing, through great sacrifice, to face danger and adversity to serve and worship Our Lord.

Vice-President & Agent: Nelson Feliciano
Treasurer: Brenda Penman